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Projek Pertama Tahun 2010
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Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2010 3:38 PM
To: Warga JPA
Subject: Berita pemotongan/pengurangan COLA
Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera
Y. Bhg. Tan Sri /Datuk/ Dato’/ Datin / Dr. / Tuan/ Puan,
Untuk makluman bersama.
Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam
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Thinking Threads
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Hias Akuarium
Love Sonnet XVII
Bolehkah Perkhidmatan Awam Bersifat 'Impartial'?
PUTRAJAYA, Jan 11 — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak wants the public sector in the country to become a fully professional service without political inclination.
He said this will enable civil servants to support and translate the aspirations of the government chosen by the people.
“This is a noble principle if we were to be successful all the time.
“Regardless of our personal opinion, we must strongly uphold a totally professional public service,” he said in his speech at the Public Services Commission (PSC) dinner, here tonight.
Also present are the Chief Secretary to the Government, Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Hassan and PSC Chairman Tan Sri Jamaluddin Ahmad Damanhuri.
Najib said civil servants must be bold in coming forward to bring transformation to the government in order to turn Malaysia into a modern nation.
He said transformation did not mean an increase in the Gross Domestic product (GDP) but in terms of the various aspects of life of the people who were more mature, more educated and with stronger values.
“We are now living in the 21st century which is more challenging compared to the past. We are facing new competitors in the country.
“We are also facing new demands from the society who are better educated and expect higher aspirations from the government,” he said.
The Prime Minister also wants the public sector to be more prepared in facing the current challenges which were more complex and facing competition from countries which were formerly closed but were now adopting a more open attitude.
At the same time, he wants officers to be more bold in making decisions and discharge their responsibilities quickly without sacrificing service quality.
“Quick does not mean hasty but swiftly and correctly. I have heard in the past that if the public wanted something immediately, our response was to say no.
“If they want, let them make an appeal, but now, this method is no longer suitable because the people have higher aspirations, they want the government to give feedback,” he said.
At the dinner, Najib also handed the MS ISO 9001:2008 SPA Certificate and launched the Commission's Recruitment By Profiling Method (MyRecruitment). — Bernama
Langkah Lebih Jauh (Dalam Jusco)
Turn And Turn Again
Buang Diet
Aku Tidak Akan Sertai Mana-Mana Kumpulan Yang Memanipulasi Keadaan Untuk Kepentingan Mereka Sendiri!
Tiga Cerita
Perjuangan Demi Apa?
Putrajaya Masih Membangun
Update: Terbaru sebentar tadi (3.00 ptg). Kren memindahkan peralatan dari lori. Kerja sudah mula!
Bermain Piksel
Carpe Noctem - Seize the night (miliki malam ini)
O diem plaeclarum! - Oh, what a beautiful day!
Semper ad meliora - Always towards better things
Ada yang pelik apabila membacanya. Ada yang bertanya. Tidak kurang juga ada yang membalas, dalam bahasa Latin juga. Sejak dulu lagi aku meminati bahasa Latin. Aku fikir ianya bahasa unik, sama seperti Sanskrit.
Cuma aku keberatan untuk belajar kerana diketahui (secara rambang) ianya bahasa kitab agama Kristian. Cetek sungguh pengetahuan aku ketika itu. Lama kemudian baru aku sedari ianya adalah bahasa Empayar Rom. Bahasa Latin lebih rapat pengaruhnya dengan Empayar Rom berbanding dengan agama Kristian. Apabila Kristian sebagai agama diterima oleh Maharaja Rom, barulah kristian disebar dengan bahasa Latin. Malah bahasa asal Kristian kalau mengikut asal usul Nabi Isa adalah Aramaic.
Lagipun ianya cuma bahasa. Kamu tidak memuja agama hanya kerana bahasa. Cuma kita di Malaysia terlebih sensitif apabila perkataan yang melibatkan agama kita digunakan oleh orang lain. Aku tidak tahu, apa yang mereka sembah, nama Tuhan atau Tuhan itu sendiri.
Berbalik kepada bahasa Latin. Aku sedang belajar sikit-sikit dan aku rasanya ianya bukanlah suatu bahasa yang susah untuk dipelajari. Cuma bahasa Latin ini bukanlah bahasa pertuturan seharian. Jadi agak kurang faedah belajar. Tapi kalau sudah minat, tidak ada masalah, bukan?
Crescat scientia vita excolatur.
Aku fikir ianya alergik. Kebetulan ketika di rumah, aku tiada ubat untuk membantu mengurangkan masalah tersebut. Tiada.
Sekarang, jam 8.00 malam, aku dalam keadaan mamai sambil menulis ini. Sebentar lagi pasti aku akan tidur. Kamu tidak perlu tunggu aku, ya.
Aku ada niat hendak membeli sebuah basikal, sama ada basikal lumba atau mountain bike. Aku mahu guna untuk senaman. Aku boleh galas kamera di belakang, sambil berbasikal, boleh juga aku berfotografi. Atau kamu hadiahkan aku sebuah. Hehe.
Ingat, hadiah hari lahir aku lebih kurang 50 hari lagi, aku mahu mountain bike!
Selebihnya tahun ini, aku mahu lakukan yang terbaik dalam kerjaya dan hidup aku. InshaAllah.